Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Answer My Friend?....Well, it may not be "Blowing in the Wind." At least not yet.

Renewable energy (except wood, curiously, which we have in great abundance) is reportedly the savior of humanity, and in particular will guarantee that Maine's economy can continue on it's...ummm...excuse's current successful course. That is if government makes sufficient "investments" in the technology on our behalf.

If we were doing so with our own money privately, it would be speculation, but in the hands of government, investment is the word.

Locally, we have the MRRA and state government itself, all the way up to the Governor, working on the issue. Wind power, and composites as a component of the technology, are predicted to be the goose that may someday lay golden eggs all around us. A local icon and former governor is all over this, following in the footsteps of Al Gore, who has unselfishly risked his own resources to help us across the troubled waters that lie ahead.

Inspired by the personal sacrifice and dedication of such leaders, it was with great disappointment that our offices received the news of less than successful initiatives in wind energy, and even worse, here in Maine, where such things are not supposed to happen! How could this be??

The troubling news appeared here.

Interested students should read the whole report; we'll just pique your interest with a few tempting tidbits:

Turbine setbacks leave towns twisting in the wind

Saco's windmill didn't deliver enough power, Kittery's unit broke, and the manufacturer is now in bankruptcy court.

He said the windmills work best on flat, open land, like in Texas and Oklahoma, where the wind is strong and steady. New England, with hills and tall trees, has obstructions that can make even seemingly windy spots less than ideal for windmills.

"With the models we have now, we would never have put either one of those machines in," Heath said. "They should never have been sold."

Sounds like a perfect time for a little healthy skepticism. At least if you're a private "speculator."

On the other hand, if you're a public "investor," it looks like a sure thing.

Guess which assessment is going to "win" out?

It looks like a pretty sure bet from here. And it's always so much easier to bet with O-P-M. I wonder if Bernie Madoff would like to get in on this; does anyone know where we can get in touch with him?

Good luck!

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