Tuesday, January 19, 2010

News from Lake Basebegone, January 19, 2010

Well., it's been a quiet few months in Lake Basebegone, where all the politicians are apolitical; all the growth possibilities are non-profit; corporate welfare isn't; everyone is older than average; and all the veggies are organic, or wish they were.

It seems like months ago that the MRRA, in postponing their expected vote on leasing Hangar 6 to Oxford Aviation, assured us that they were continuing with dedication their "due diligence."  Here at Other Side, we're thinking that the results of that due diligence are due, or more to the point, overdue.  It must be all those other opportunities that have caused the team to lose their focus and not follow through with a report to the local citizenry.  Surely we'll be hearing from them regarding Oxford in 'due time.'  If they can find their way around those pesky protocols, that is.

In the absence of other news, our man Senator Stan has been reminding everyone just who really runs things around here.  You didn't think those pointy toed alligator skin Tony Lama western boots he likes to wear were made for walking, did you?  Oh well; at least he doesn't have spurs on them.  Yet.  Maybe next term.

It seems Stan didn't think Brunswick's Town Manager should be on the MRRA board because even though he's unelected,  he answers to elected officials.  But somehow the same principle didn't apply to John Richardson's presence on the board (until recently,) even though he served at the pleasure of the governor.  That must have been some kind of special case exemption. 

We're scratching for news here, and the least worthy I can think of is a column by Doug Rooks (rhymes with kooks), featured columnist in a local paper, a few weeks back.  I seem to have misplaced it, but Rooks, a dependably gratuitous bootlicker (GBL) for the entrenched majority in Maine, was effusive in describing how wonderful the base redevelopment is going, and how superb a job our public servants are doing.  I know I felt better after reading what he had to say, even though he was careful not to let any protocols out of the privacy bag.

There hasn't been any reporting on Jim Horowitz, President of Oxford Aviation, but it may be that the legal scuffle with Oxford County is interfering with his plans to be a global presence in aviation from his base on the base.  The funny thing is, we haven't come across any mention of F. Lee of the Bailey's either.  It seems kind of lonely without the two of them making their usual splash.

This reporter does have some suspicions about the latter, however.  This release from John Richardson's campaign just crossed my desk:

And so, as a candidate for Governor, I am speaking for the working men and women of Maine, for the small business owners, for those who would like to be working, but can’t find a job today. My campaign is about improving Maine’s economy, making it easier to go about daily life, making it easier to find work and be rewarded for it.
Is it just me, or is there a nice soupcon of F. Lee style hubris in that release?  Remember Bailey's claims about "expanding Brunswick's global leadership position in aviation" and other measured assertions on behalf of Oxford Aviation?  Maybe Bailey has come on board John's campaign; the two were often seen engaged in sidebar conversations during MRRA events.  They do seem like compatible types.

Maybe what we've got here, in effect, is "F. Lee Richardson" running for Governor.  That's what it would take to convince the electoral jury that Richardson, from his leadership positions in Maine Government for nearly a decade, actually accomplished something positive for Maine's economy, which is amongst the worst in the nation, and getting worse all the time, and the state's horrific business climate, which is evident wherever you turn.

Maybe their campaign theme will be "Maine's Quality of Hubris."

1 comment:

  1. Me thinks the reason the MMRA is not reporting progress is that the flocks of people they claim to have approached them find they have insufficient goodies to hand out, or the price of participation is too high.

    A good example is the bahelor quarters building with 250 Rooms. Can you see the look on a bankers face when you ask him to loan you money to lease a 250 room motel in a market with severe over capacity and a no growth prospect. The laugh will be heard down the street.
