Friday, September 29, 2017

The hell with it; it’s time for Brunswick to go big in the virtue signalling sweepstakes.


In yesterday’s post, we made this declaration:

We’ll close with a proposal of our own.  In keeping with the times, we propose that the town council, town manager, and anyone else in attendance at council meetings “take a knee” for recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance before meetings.

This would be a way for all attending to “show solidarity” with those who have no appreciation for the country in which they live, or those who dedicate their lives to protecting it from all enemies foreign and domestic.  Surely everyone at the meetings is oppressed in some way or another, just like the students at Bowdoin.

Upon the due reflection that suggestion warranted, we realized how underwhelming it is, especially for a “get right with the world” town like Brunswick.  We’ve got to signal our humility and deference to the high command of the Social Justice Warfare Brigade that occupies our territory.


While taking a knee at council meetings is a start, if an amateur one, it’s time to step up our game…to move up to the pro ranks in showing our disdain for all things oppressive, traditional, historically based, offensive, patriotic or otherwise associated with what used to be called the Land of the Free.   You know, the one time “Good Old USA.”

God Bless America?  Yankee Doodle Dandy?  George M. Cohan?  Binary genderism?  Lady Justice and blindness before the law?  It’s time they all be tossed aside in a great tidal wave of political correctness, and washed out to the sea of yesterday.  We believe we have just the kind of leadership here in America’s perfect little town to make it happen.  Our one time Lake Basebegone can become a “shining city upon a hill” - Lake Justicebecoming.

The new plan we envision is multi-pronged.  With assistance from the local social justice militia, Brunswick can be the first to celebrate an annual Abject Humility Day, in which every town resident, visitor, and worker will take a knee for four hours.  Kids in our schools, all the teachers, and the administration are expected to show us the way.


The second facet should be a weekly Abject Humility Hour.  While the day of the week and the hour should be a matter of public discussion, we prefer the daylight hours so all can be seen in their observance.  Perhaps Fridays from Noon to 1 pm as a start.

This would be a perfect time for members of Sanctuary Brunswick to lay their gifts of food, housing, clothing, and other necessities of life upon an appropriate altar under the Gazebo on the Mall.  Afterwards, they can hear confessions from the truly penitent on how they transgressed in just social behavior in the week past, and hand out lists of penitent offerings required to atone and “get right with the left.”


We’re confident that leaders amongst our governing and peace and justice elite will want all outdated symbols of the “Old Brunswick,” like American Flags, Maine Flags, and other relics of the old way, be flown at half-staff, if not burned, during the weekly hour of humility and the annual day of penitence.

We hope, and beseech these same thought leaders to grant exemption to active and retired members of our armed forces, and active and retired first responders, even though they have all too often been used as the tools of oppression.  At least in the minds of those who hold sway in public opinion these days, along with the emerging cultural revolution, and purge of all things emblematic of old school American and Western history.


As for us, we hope you won’t mind if we stick our necks out in resistance to the “new way” being imposed upon us.

Perhaps one or two of you will even join with us in a celebration of the best that American once was, and especially honor those who carry her banners, no matter the personal sacrifice it requires.

Maybe we can fend off the end of American History for a little while longer.  It won’t be easy, will it.

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