Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Re: Condolences – one last glimmer of hope?

The photo above appears in today’s Portland Press Herald coverage of the Richardson affair, with this caption:

John Richardson, right, sitting with attorney and friend F. Lee Bailey at Wild Oats Bakery and Cafe in Brunswick on Monday, discusses what led up to his being denied Clean Election money.

Gordon Chibroski/Staff Photographer

So close, and yet so close.

(Ed note: the photo makes it clear that the shot run by WCSH in their early report, posted here, was a file shot.  Apologies to Joanne King, campaign treasurer, who may or may not have been at the announcement.)

As for us, all we can say is we’re very glad Frosty’s was open yesterday, or there might have been an uncomfortable encounter in the Tontine Mall.  Other Side sometimes noshes at Wild Oats, known far and wide as a place where the elite meet to greet and eat. 

With a trench coat over our pajamas so as not to disturb the others.

You know, I was just thinking how Richardson said he hasn’t given any thought to what he might do next……..hmmmmm.  Maybe there’s a future for him in aviation, if he can make the right connections.  Nah; not gonna happen.  Couldn’t be.  Stupid thought.  Give it up.

And now you know…..the Other Side of the story.


  1. It appears from the picture that neither Bailey or Richardson felt it was appropriate to actually consume Wild Oats product, thereby reinforcing their commitment to "Maine business and jobs."

    Just the glow added to the shop was enough, I suppose.

    That's ok; rumors have long held that at least one of them considers paying a messy detail, best left to others.

  2. "The OBD provides comprehensive financial, management, production, marketing, and other technical assistance to help..." This quoted from Office of Business Development website. Seems like I read that John Robinson made the comment that Maine was failing in bringing new business to Maine. Is that an admission of his that he wasn't doing a very good job?

  3. "Maybe there's a future for him aviation..", said P. C. Poppycock.

    So true. He launched a trial balloon for the governorship. He's taken a flyer by entering the race.

    So he has practice which is what attorneys do - practice.

    One thing, though, pilots can't practice flying with passengers. Still, perhaps his practice knows no bounds.
