Wednesday, March 26, 2014

BDN connects with other planets; MRRA ED likes Brunswick East location for MLF


We just read this item posted yesterday by the BDN: 

Apparently the editors communicate with sources on other planets:

“I don’t know what more they could want,” he said.

Reynolds said the BWNC is “the poster child for NIMBY [Not in My Backyard]” and said their request for a new environmental study was a delaying tactic designed to eventually end the project altogether.


You should know by now that the source mentioned above is the one we mentioned earlier today, who isn’t sure he lives on the same planet as the rest of us.  (Perhaps we’ll label him a ‘NOMP,’ or ‘Not on my planet.’)

The story continues:

But Sen. Stan Gerzofsky, D-Brunswick, on Tuesday objected to what he called “NNEPRA’s continued arrogance at trying to site something where it’s not wanted.”

We could take this as a thinly-veiled reference to Mr. NOMP, since he is a NNEPRA foot-soldier in the Train Riders Northeast volunteer militia.  But we’re not used to seeing such rhetorical nuances from Stan.

Gerzofsky said he also wrote to the FRA urging more transparency “so we don’t have an environmental mistake happen because we didn’t ask questions. … This is the single most important event happening in Brunswick that could negatively impact our environment. NNEPRA is a creation of the state and it’s taxpayer funded. They should take into consideration what the taxpayers want.”

We’ll take that to mean the Senator doesn’t favor the ‘we’ll have to build the MLF first to find out what effect it has on your neighborhood, away from the fog of controversy’ stance seemingly favored by his Federal colleague, Senator Angus King.  (BTW, how many Kings can you have at the same time?  Or Governors, for that matter?)

Gerzofsky supports an alternative location in east Brunswick near the former Navy base.

Which to Mr. Reynolds will raise the issue of what planet the good Senator lives on.  “Hey, Hon, take a memo to the local extra-terrestrial; tell him Stan lives on the same planet we do.”

We were also surprised and delighted to see this citation in support of a Brunswick East location from the head of MRRA:

That site would benefit companies at the former Brunswick Naval Air Station, as well as all companies in the area, from L.L. Bean to Bath Iron Works, that transport significant freight, according to Steve Levesque, executive director of the Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority, which is redeveloping the former base.

We’re hopeful this encouragement will lend impetus to the Governor’s interest in leveraging MLF location for economic development purposes.

Even though that may not be a priority on other planets.


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