Friday, June 13, 2014

Paging The Shadow….and The Count?


We were perusing the Forecaster at our favorite lunch joint today, and came across these paragraphs at the end of the lead story on the House District 50 Primary race:

Last month, Sartoris stepped down from the Brunswick Sewer Board of Trustees, claiming that a conflict of interest provision in the Town Council's appointment policy was being used by the chairman of the town's Republican Committee to cast her in a negative light during the primary.

The controversy reached a high pitch in the final days of the election, after an email from Sartoris to the head of the Brunswick Democratic Committee in which she sharply criticized the ethics of Tucker's campaign tactics appeared on a local blog, leading to a debate over ethics on a local radio station on Saturday.


We don’t have time to survey the local blog universe to see who they might be referring to, nor do we know how large that universe is.  We know town council chair Benet Pols has one; who knows how many others do?

So, readers, you who have a far more sensitive finger on the pulse of the town than we do, if you have any insights on this report, please let us know.

Simultaneously, we’ll hope The Shadow checks in, because Shirley he knows.


Or maybe we should check with the Count, or  his cousin, the Re-Count.  Maybe they could play a few high-pitch notes and see what turns up.

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